Upload the radiograph with CranioCatch Clinic, initiate the analysis, and view the findings within seconds.

With the 2D and 3D radiography analysis system of CranioCatch, you can quickly analyze panoramic, periapical, bitewing, and CBCT radiographs, enabling easy access to patient-specific findings.

CranioCatch Clinic is an artificial intelligence-supported 2D and 3D radiography analysis solution that dentists can utilize to alleviate their heavy workload and minimize potential errors. With its automatic report generation feature from radiographs, it assists dentists in making faster and more accurate diagnoses.


Make your patient follow-up easier by making fast and reliable diagnoses on radiographs with artificial intelligence!

rapid analysis system icon

It assists in saving time for healthcare professionals and helps prevent potential errors by providing an artificial intelligence-supported fast analysis system.

workload icon

With its automatic segmentation feature, it segments the teeth and anatomical structures in the images.

Diagnosis icon

It facilitates the detection of common dental pathologies such as decay, periapical lesions, impacted teeth, alveolar bone loss, and more.

Artificial intelligence detect icon

It automatically detects and numbers the teeth.

Artificial Intelligence analysis can detect common dental pathologies such as caries, periapical lesions, impacted teeth, alveolar bone loss and get treatment planning advice!

Are you ready to discover the power of artificial intelligence in dentistry?

Thanks to artificial intelligence, you can easily detect vertical and horizontal alveolar bone losses, furcation defects and jaw pathologies.

Clinical Examination

Vertical Bone Loss


Horizontal Bone Loss


Furcation Defect


Jaw Pathology

Vertical Bone Loss

Horizontal Bone Loss

Furcation Defect

Jaw Pathology

You can detect and classify dental restorations!

Dental Restorations Crown
Dental Restorations Pontic
Dental Restorations Dental Implant
Dental Restorations Filling

You can automatically identify findings on radiographs and describe their features in detail.

Alveolar Bone Loss
Horizontal Bone Loss
Radiography upload - Cloud Storage
You can archive radiographs via cloud storage and access them anytime.
You can edit the findings from AI and add new findings.
Manuel Teşhis Ekleme

You can get a visual presentation and increase the rate of your patients understanding and accepting the treatment by detecting and drawing the findings on the radiographs with artificial intelligence

Visualizing the treatment
PDF formatında rapor

If you wish, you can give the report given by the system to your patients in PDF format!

Considering the artificial intelligence results, you can add an extra diagnosis to the tooth and get information about its type, severity, prevalence and progress.

İlerleme Durumu Takibi

CranioCatch's AI-Powered 2D Radiograph Analysis

Findings that you can detect with artificial intelligence in child and adult radiographs





Findings drawn on panoramic radiography


Tooth Numbering checkboxTooth Numbering
Filling checkboxFilling
Unerupted Tooth checkboxUnerupted Tooth
Dental Implant checkboxDental Implant
Furcation Defect checkboxFurcation Defect
Impacted Tooth checkboxImpacted Tooth
Implant Supported Crown checkboxImplant Supported Crown
Horizontal Bone Loss checkboxHorizontal Bone Loss
Pontic checkboxPontic
Dental Pulp checkboxDental Pulp
Crown checkboxCrown
Root Canal Filling checkboxRoot Canal Filling
Vertical Bone Loss checkboxVertical Bone Loss
Caries checkboxCaries
Alveolar Bone Loss checkboxAlveolar Bone Loss
Jaw Pathology checkboxJaw Pathology
Periapical Lesion checkboxPeriapical Lesion
Residual Root checkboxResidual Root
Mandibular Canal checkboxMandibular Canal
Maxillary Sinus checkboxMaxillary Sinus
Foramen Mentale checkboxForamen Mentale
Nasal Cavity checkboxNasal Cavity
Nasal Septum checkboxNasal Septum
Coronoid Process checkboxCoronoid Process
Articular Eminence checkboxArticular Eminence
Hyoid Bone checkboxHyoid Bone
Mandibular Condyle checkboxMandibular Condyle
Mandibular Foramen checkboxMandibular Foramen
Soft Palate checkboxSoft Palate
Pharyngeal airway checkboxPharyngeal airway
Incisura Mandible checkboxIncisura Mandible
Hard Palate checkboxHard Palate
Orbita checkboxOrbita
Bitewing radyografide çizdirilmiş bulgular


Tooth Numbering checkboxTooth Numbering
Dental Pulp checkboxDental Pulp
Filling checkboxFilling
Alveolar Bone Loss checkboxAlveolar Bone Loss
Root Canal Filling checkboxRoot Canal Filling
Caries checkboxCaries
Crown checkboxCrown
Periapical radyografide çizdirilmiş bulgular


Tooth Numbering checkboxTooth Numbering
Filling checkboxFilling
Pontic checkboxPontic
Root Canal Filling checkboxRoot Canal Filling
Vertical Bone Loss checkboxVertical Bone Loss
Caries checkboxCaries
Alveolar Bone Loss checkboxAlveolar Bone Loss
Periapical Lesion checkboxPeriapical Lesion
Crown checkboxCrown
CBCT Görüntüsü


Tooth Numbering checkboxTooth Numbering
Maxilla checkboxMaxilla
Mandibula checkboxMandibula
Maxillofacial Complex checkboxMaxillofacial Complex
Maxillary Sinus checkboxMaxillary Sinus
Mandibular Canal checkboxMandibular Canal
Mental foramen checkboxMental foramen
Mandibular foramen checkboxMandibular foramen
Maxillary Incisive Canal checkboxMaxillary Incisive Canal
Faringeal airway checkboxFaringeal airway
Nazal kavite checkboxNazal kavite
Cervical Vertebra checkboxCervical Vertebra
Dental Pulp checkboxDental Pulp
Filling checkboxFilling
Root Canal Filling checkboxRoot Canal Filling
Crown checkboxCrown
Pontic checkboxPontic
Implant checkboxImplant
Implant Supported Crown checkboxImplant Supported Crown
Caries checkboxCaries
Periapical Lesion checkboxPeriapical Lesion
Jaw Pathology checkboxJaw Pathology
Impacted Tooth checkboxImpacted Tooth
Unerupted Tooth checkboxUnerupted Tooth
Alveolar Bone Loss checkboxAlveolar Bone Loss
Horizontal Bone Loss checkboxHorizontal Bone Loss
Vertical Bone Loss checkboxVertical Bone Loss
Furcation Defect checkboxFurcation Defect
Residual Root checkboxResidual Root

CranioCatch can help dentists make an accurate diagnosis, thanks to its automatic report generation from 3D radiographs.


Clinical decision support systems help dentists plan treatment by analyzing digital imaging data. Cloud storage makes radiography archiving easier and more efficient.

CBCT tooth detection icon

Detection and numbering of teeth in CBCT images

dental pathologies detect icon

Detection of common dental pathologies such as caries, periapical lesion, impacted tooth, alveolar bone loss

jaw pathologies detection icon

Detection of jaw pathologies

Tooth restoration icon

Detection and classification of dental restorations

Detection icon

Clinical decision support system for the detection of 3rd molar teeth and anatomical structures

Implant icon

Clinical decision support system for dental implant planning

temporomandibular joint

Evaluation of bone changes occurring in the temporomandibular joint

Cloud icon

Archiving radiography via cloud storage

3D-CBCT imaging is an extremely important tool widely used in dental applications.


With CranioCatch Clinical's 3D capabilities, teeth, pathologies, and surrounding anatomical structures are automatically segmented, allowing for the creation of a detailed three-dimensional model in .stl format. This provides you with the opportunity to evaluate your case in a comprehensive 3D manner.

In addition, thanks to this technology, it is possible to compare the condition of your teeth before and after treatment...

Discover the power of artificial intelligence in dentistry now!