Upload the radiographs with the CranioCatch Education platform, ask the question, let the students practice interactively...

Through the education platform, you can create a class/group and contribute to your students' learning by using custom-made questions specific to this application.

CranioCatch helps dental education professionals in teaching the anatomy and pathology of dento-maxillofacial radiology using artificial intelligence in 2D and 3D radiographs. Educational institutions can utilize this platform to provide a comprehensive overview of radiology, offering real-time dental radiographs that can deeply educate dental students.


Develop skills for dentistry students with practice: Easily identify accurate diagnoses with artificial intelligence-assisted dental x-rays.

Aim icon

It enables dental students to practice with artificial intelligence on real clinical cases.

work on the radiography icon

It allows students and educators to explore the next generation of educational tools with the most advanced artificial intelligence technology.

Easy to learn icon

It provides instructors with a more successful experience in conducting practice sessions and exams.

Practice icon

It allows the creation of dedicated workspaces specifically for universities.

Eye icon

You can divide students into classes and create specific practice sessions and exams for each class.

Classes icon

You can archive all applications through cloud storage.

Teaching institutions (such as universities) can use this platform to teach real-time dental radiographs that can provide an in-depth overview of radiology for dental students.

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The Only Educational Platform Developed Using Artificial Intelligence

Designed for the next generation dentistry education, this platform offers students a faster, more accurate and practical learning opportunity.

With CranioCatch, students can understand different imaging modalities, develop a systematic approach to the interpretation of imaging, including recognizing common pathology, and apply knowledge of anatomy to radiological images.

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CranioCatch helps educators in the dental field teach dento-maxillofacial radiology anatomy and pathology with radiographic modalities using artificial intelligence.

Check, evaluate and grade students' answers. Determine the level of students with the grade system.

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Diagnosis and solution with Craniocatch artificial intelligence module

Why to use?

Enable students to participate in dental clinical practice more efficiently and effectively through AI-supported applications and exams. Empower your institution and students to be at the forefront by utilizing the latest technology in education platforms.

You can create groups for your students and provide practice opportunities by preparing special practices/exams for groups.

pratik imkanı

CranioCatch's Artificial Intelligence Supported Education Platform

Get an educational tool that includes the use of digital technologies in addition to the traditional methods used in dentistry education!

Exam create

You select application-specific tags and create the project.

After creating the application, you can upload your radiograph and ask questions specific to the radiograph.

Ask question
Start AI Analysis

You can have your selected radiographs analyzed with artificial intelligence, add labels manually and edit the results as you want.

The student can enter the application created by the teacher and at the end of the application, they can compare the answers of the teacher with their own answers and view the results.

Öğrenci - öğretmen cevap kıyaslama
Exam test with CranioCatch training module

The teacher checks the student's answers and grades them.

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